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IRS compliance looking at partnership distributions, ‘outside basis’
From Thomson-Reuters and the Pinnacle CPA Advisory Group — To our Clients and Friends, The IRS sets up compliance campaigns to address areas where it believes there are significant issues. In other words, these are areas where the IRS thinks there is an opportunity to...
Tax breaks after 50 you can’t afford to miss
From AARP — If you’re 50 or older, there is one benefit to reaching this milestone that you may be overlooking: tax breaks aimed right at you. Now you can contribute more to your Roth or traditional individual retirement account (IRA), to your employer-sponsored plan...
IRS increases allowed 401(k) contribution limits for 2023
From CNN Business — By Jeanne Sahadi — The IRS this month announced a record increase in contribution limits to 401(k) and other tax-deferred retirement plans for 2023. Starting next year, you will be allowed to contribute up to $22,500 into your 401(k), 403(b), most...
Now that the student loan debt relief application is open, spot the scams
From FTC.gov — By K. Michelle Grajales, Attorney, Division of Financial Practices — The Department of Education (ED)’s application for federal student loan debt relief is now open and, of course, scammers are on the move — trying to get your money and personal...
IRS changing how 403(b) plan beneficiaries receive funds
From MSN.com — By Christine Williams — In an effort to streamline the regulation that governs how retirement accounts can be used, the IRS has proposed a change for 403(b) plans — a type of workplace retirement plan use mostly by public and non-profit employees....
FTC advice: Five things to do to protect yourself online
From the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) — By Alvaro Puig, Consumer Education Specialist — Your online accounts, computer, and phone hold a lot of your personal, financial, and health information. Information that’s valuable to you — and to scammers who try to steal...
‘Life settlements’ provide payout options for unneeded policies
From Thomson-Reuters and the Pinnacle CPA Advisory Group — Besides providing loved ones with a source of funds for income replacement in the event of an untimely death of the family's breadwinner(s), people buy life insurance for a variety of reasons. For example,...
Tax impact of capital gains and losses in a gyrating stock market
From Thomson-Reuters and the Pinnacle CPA Advisory Group — If you invest in stocks, stock mutual funds, or stock ETFs, you've probably had a wild ride this year. You may have already realized some significant capital gains and some significant capital losses —...
Inflation Reduction Act changes tax credit for electric vehicles
From Thomson-Reuters and the Pinnacle CPA Advisory Group — The IRS currently provides a tax credit of up to $7,500 for purchasing certain new electric vehicles. The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 makes several changes to the credit, which has been renamed the Clean...